Romans 15:5-6

However, I consider my life worth nothing to me, if only I may finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me--the task of testifying to the gospel of God's grace. - Acts 20:24

May the God who gives endurance and encouragement give you a spirit of unity among yourselves as you follow Christ Jesus, so that with one heart and mouth you may glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. -Romans 15:5-6

Friday, January 7, 2011

Happy New Year

Good Morning and Happy New Year to you!!!!!!!  Well, I want to start by telling you why the blog The blog is because over the past year the Lord has open my eyes to the fact that so many people have not been taught how to have a daily relationship/walk with Jesus Christ our Savior and God our Creator and and Father - whether you grew up in the church or you started following God later in life.  We all know how to go to church and how to dress yourself for your particular church, but do you know how to dress your heart everyday?  Being a follower of God is not following the pastor and your Sunday School teachers, but God.  Don't get me wrong; they /we (I say "we" because I am a Sunday School Teacher and Mentor and I am sure some of you are as well) are our leaders and teachers, but exactly that.  They are to lead us to God and teach us how to have a relationship with Him.  And then we in return, are supposed to grow and reproduce the same in others.  We have to grow on other days besides Sunday; which means it takes you opening your Bible on a Daily basis and Seeking God's face on a daily basis. I hear people say all the time, "oh, I pray every day." How do you know what to pray without being in God's Word. The key to getting this blog will be opening your Bibles with me and my sisters on a regular basis.  God's Word has the key to every answer of life; but if you are not in the Bible; how do you know how to follow God.  Dirk Helmling of 29.11 Ministries spoke at a church camp that I attended in High School and said something that I have taught every class I've taught :
"If you want to know God's Will, you have to know God's heart. To know God's heart, you have to know God's Word."  You will never know God until you dig into the letter he has given us so many years ago - The Bible.  I want you to know that it doesn't take a scholar to understand everything in Scripture, and anyone can do it.  I am here to help give you a little direction, and answer questions that you may have about Scripture - even the tough ones.  As Psalm says - "God's Word is a lamp unto my feet and light unto my path." It is definitely mine; and I desire more than anything for that to be for you.  Please don't wait until Sunday's to open God's Word to you; do it daily.  Start your New Year and end this 2011 with the Word of God opened every day and see the change that happens in your life and your families.  Wow, God is Amazing.
The Daily Reading is From the Old Testament, New Testament, and Psalms or Proverbs.  You don't have to read it all; I encourage you to at least choose one of those passages. One day you might choose the Old Testament, and the other you might choose Psalm.  My goal is to do all three; but there are plenty of days I fal short.  Once you read it; let me know if you have any comments or question. Please feel free to share what God has taught you. 
Daily Reading - Genesis 14:1 - 16:16, Matthew 5:43-6:24; Psalm 6:1-10.

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